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Information for participants

Why do I need to participate in the study?


During your school years, you may have asked yourself: "What would I like to do for a living? What are my skills and particular interests?" As simple as this question might seem, there is not one answer for each and every one! Career choice is a complex process with many consequences. It is important to consider your options – of which there are many, regarding the more than 230 recognized occupations in Switzerland.

To understand the process of career choice in a scientific way, we have to monitor not only one person, but many people not only once, but over a long period of time.

The WiSel study, which now starts its sixth wave, has a lot of potential in this area. It has been conducted for many years now, during which a lot of people have been asked about their career choices, well-being, career fit and much more. Those findings influence future organisation of the educational system in Switzerland, so fitting career possibilities can be provided to as many people as possible, no matter what their starting conditions might be.

But this potential can only unfold when a lot of people continue to participate.


Will my participation in the study be payed?


Yes, we will remunerate your participation with 10 Swiss francs, which you will receive as a voucher.


What if my contact details change or have changed?


If your contact details change or have changed, please let us know here.


Whom can I contact in case of problems (e.g. technical difficulties) or queries about the study?


In this case please send us a message using this form.

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